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Shoulder Pain and Chiropractic

Chiropractic Treatment For Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is a very common complaint in our chiropractic practice. It will affect almost half of us at some point in our lives and the causes can be one of many.

Chiropractic treatment can help in the treatment whatever the cause.

When Should I See A Chiropractor About My Shoulder Pain?

Like any other pain condition, the sooner you get appropriate care the quicker the pain will go and allow you to go back to normal activities. And more importantly, the sooner you get a diagnosis and the appropriate care, the less likely you are to get a recurrent and chronic problem.

Sometimes, you may be unsure of the cause of the shoulder pain but even then you should seek Chiropractic help. We can check your symptoms and find the specific cause and the establish the appropriate course of treatment.

Here are some of the possible symptoms and causes as provided by the NHS

Shoulder symptoms Possible causes
Pain and stiffness that does not go away over months or years frozen shoulder, arthritis (osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis)
Pain that’s often worse while using your arm or shoulder tendonitis, bursitis, impingement
Tingling, numb, weak, feels like it’s clicking or locking shoulder instability, sometimes because of hypermobility
Sudden very bad pain, cannot move your arm (or it’s difficult), sometimes changes shape dislocated shoulder, broken bone (such as the upper arm or collarbone), torn or ruptured tendon
Pain on top of the shoulder (where the collarbone and shoulder joint meet) problems in the acromioclavicular joint, like dislocation or stretched or torn ligaments


What Are The Best Treatments For Shoulder Pain?

The treatment of shoulder pain depends entirely on the cause of the problem.

Once we have established the cause of the problem the appropriate treatment can start.

  • Rest: The first recommended treatment for shoulder pain is to rest the joint, which will allow the acute inflammation to die down. Be careful though not to completely immobilise the joint as this can lead to Frozen Shoulder
  • Ice and Heat Application: Ice packs and heat pads are among the most commonly used treatments for shoulder pain and can be effective if used correctly.
  • Stretching: Stretching the muscles and tendons that surround the joint can help with some causes of shoulder pain, but should be done with caution as it can make matters worse!
  • Exercise: Rehabilitation exercise is an important part of getting better, but it is important to know what to do and when to start exercises. Anti-Inflammatory Medication: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain medications, commonly referred to as NSAID’s, are commonly prescribed for shoulder pain. As chiropractors we can recommend the use of Low Level Laser Therapy is likely to benefit you more.
  • Cortisone injections: Cortisone is a powerful medication that treats inflammation, which is a common problem in patients with shoulder pain. Discuss with your doctor the possible benefits of a cortisone injection for your shoulder condition. It can be a useful adjunct to chiropractic treatment, but should not be relied on as a treatment on its own. It is quite an invasive approach and not without adverse-effects.
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